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Long range.png

 Move from paper targets

to live game -

up to a distance of 1,000 yards. 


Long range hunting provides the chance for hunters to truly test their shooting and hunting skills and the opportunity for making a significant shot during a day's hunting. Damara African Safaris has established the maximum effective range to prevent unnecessarily wounding animals and spending inordinate amounts of time tracking them.  The Long-range hunting is very specialized, and the hunter must have good rifleman skills.  Our professional hunters come equipped with their own spotting scope, a deep understanding of the spotter’s role and the required set-up involved.  â€‹The safari package will take place on farms that total around 7,000 hectares (17,000 acres).  

the long rangE PACKAGE

Package include:

7 Days, 8 X Nights

3 x Trophies, 2:1 Hunt, All inclusive

1 x Impala

1 x Blesbuck

1 x Common Springbuck





Professional Hunters (PH) with Hunting Vehicle

Skinners & camp personnel

Luxury accommodation with full catering

Daily laundry

Soft drinks, tea, coffee and liquor in moderation

Trophy field preparation

Transfers to and from Kimberley Airport

Additional animals may be added to the

package as per the price list.


per hunter


 Come Experience the Northern Cape.


The greatest long-range adventure




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